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Project Description

This project will serve the purpose of the collaboration between Georgia Highlands College (GHC) and Lake Allatoona Association (LAA) to provide research and analysis needed to successfully build an ongoing lake water quality sampling and reporting system.
  • Quantify Escherichia coli (E.coli) and Fecal Coliform bacteria to assess the water qualities of Lake Allatoona.
  • Quantify various chemical levels in samples collected from Lake Allatoona.

  • Water samples will be collected from FOUR different locations for lab analysis for summer semester 2021. Following EPA approved guidelines for quantification of total Fecal Coliform bacteria per 100 ml of water, our testing will continue for the duration of the eight week summer semester. 
  • The success of this project will be determined by diligent reporting of the data. This data can come through the consistent collection and analysis of water samples from the continuous collaboration with the mentoring faculty members.
[Clipart: Teamwork]. (n.d.). Bing, [Clipart: Goals]. (n.d.). Bing, [Clipart: How we do it]. (n.d.). Bing